Friday Lost + Found: Inside the Vaults in the Land of Enchantment, Another DMF Settlement
Video on New Mexico's Unclaimed Property -- 'Tis the season for unclaimed safe deposit boxes. Albuquerque's KOAT (ABC) has a short video about the $132 million in cash and property that New Mexico's unclaimed property regulators have collected from abandoned safe deposit boxes. The New Mexico Department of Revenue and Taxation suggests that now is the time to determine if some of that property is yours.
Another Life Insurer Settles Unpaid Benefits Claims -- InsuranceNewsNet has the story of another life insurance death master file settlement. See here for a primer. The article states that regulators are "turning away from investigations and settlements, and instead focusing on writing legislation that clearly establishes their authority to conduct the settlement." Perhaps 2015 will bring such legislation.
Another Life Insurer Settles Unpaid Benefits Claims -- InsuranceNewsNet has the story of another life insurance death master file settlement. See here for a primer. The article states that regulators are "turning away from investigations and settlements, and instead focusing on writing legislation that clearly establishes their authority to conduct the settlement." Perhaps 2015 will bring such legislation.